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Making Lasting Change, Together

At Women of Success, we're helping women and building a better world for all. Through our initiatives, we aim to give every woman the freedom and support she needs to thrive. You can make a difference in countless lives by joining us and making our mission your own.

Learn More
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Founded in 2011 in Ontario, Canada, Women of Success brings together women willing to share their experiences, whether achieved in professional roles, individually or within family, skillfully balancing personal life and careers.


Success is defined as “a favourable or desired outcome, the ability to reach your goals in life." We celebrate success in all its diverse forms, recognizing that each woman defines it uniquely. 


Women of Success aspire to inspire, motivate, and help you reach your fullest potential and accomplish your dreams. 

Our goal is to create collaborations among women for mutual impact.




We carefully design each of our initiatives to help as many women as possible. Explore our ongoing projects and programs to discover how we're doing our part. Please feel free to reach out to us for more information or to find out how you can get involved.


We're making strides and changing lives through our far-reaching Education program. Over and over again, this ambitious project has proven itself to be a powerful force for good, producing results that inspire and encourage everyone involved.


Do you have suggestions for educational programs? Do you want to partner with us to offer educational programs?

Connect by email at!

More information will follow soon!


With our successful Mentorship program, we're improving life for women in Canada and beyond. We're proud to accompany them on their unique journeys as they move towards better, brighter futures and richer, more fulfilled lives.


Our mentorship program is semi-formal. We offer mentor/mentee matches and suggested mentorship agreements.


Are you interested in being a MENTOR and sharing your professional expertise? 

Interested in being matched with a mentor? Contact us at for next steps!

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Local Growth & Advocacy

Our team of dedicated volunteers makes these programs possible, investing their valuable time and energy to brighten the futures of so many women both at local and global levels. It's a pleasure to observe the impact of their efforts as it spreads through our community and beyond.


Are you interested in volunteering? Email us at with your goals, aspirations and ways you feel you can contribute to our initiatives!

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